Wild Reishi Extract (Private Reserve) – 16 oz.


It is not a mystery why reishi mushroom got its reputation, for even 2,400 years ago, the powerful benefits of this tonic herb were undeniable, and over the past couple millennia, science and further investigation has only supported this idea.

  • The most scientifically researched herb on the planet
  • Powerful and “superior-class” adaptogen
  • Immune-strengthening
  • Stress-relieving
  • Liver protective
  • Regarded as one of the most potent shen tonics
  • Improves circulation
  • Protective against radiation, free radials and other environmental stressors
  • Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, and anti-stress


If there were one herb that has built a backbone in holistic health, it would be reishi. It has been over two thousand years since it was first written about in the very first Chinese herbal text, Shennong’s Pharmacopeia. Within these pages, he wrote about all different types of herbs, their effects, what they used them for, and their “class.” Even in this ancient text, red reishi was not only recognized as being in the superior class of herbs, but also at the top of its class. He wrote about how “continuous consumption of Reishi makes your body light and young, lengthens your life and turns you into one like the immortal who never dies.” Thus officially dubbing reishi, “The Mushroom of Immortality,” becoming the most treasured and sought after herb of all time. Throughout history, there are numerous accounts of reishi’s prominence, not only being a staple for royalty, but also used to represent health, vitality, and longevity- whether it was consumed, pictured in art, or placed on a mantelpiece, it was indicative of a long and fruitful life. It has even been said that the discovery of Japan originated as a mission to find reishi mushroom!

In Traditional Chinese Medicine exist the three treasures, jing, chi, and shen. Jing is the essence or juices of life. Chi is the energy, breath, or life force. Shen is the spirit or the “heartmind.” Each tonic herb traditionally was classified to nurture at least one of these treasures, and reishi is able to tonify all three, creating its well-rounded and adaptogenic properties.

As a Jing tonic, Reishi is believed to have major life lengthening effects when consumed over a long period of time. It is believed to build primal power and to replenish energy spent handling stressful situations.

As a Chi tonic, Reishi is used to build energy, although it is calming when taken. Reishi is believed by Japanese and Chinese researchers to have a regulatory effect on the immune system, bringing up immune functions in cases of immunodeficiency and reducing the excesses associated with auto-immune conditions. Reishi is a superb tonic for people who suffer from chronic allergies.

As a Shen tonic, it is known to burn karma- to help to help us release psychic baggage or any kind of negativity that we may be carrying around with us. It helps us open our heart and connect to ourselves, to our higher selves, to our higher consciousness. It helps us relax our brain more from beta and more into alpha state, making a meditative state not only more attainable, but also more constant.
Frederic H. Balfour’s brief essay about the Xinyin jing (“The Imprint of the Heart”) contains the earliest known Western reference to the Three Treasures: “There are three degrees of Supreme Elixir – the Spirit, the Breath, and the Essential Vigour”. This is yet another confirmation of reishi’s supreme classification.

All Reishi are NOT Created Equal
If you are trying to get the cheapest reishi product available, you may as well save yourself even more money and chew on some brown rice or wood chips. With all tonic herbs, it is most prevalent that quality reign above all other factors, but especially with reishi for a few reasons. Being that reishi is the most researched and popular tonic herb currently on the planet, we not only have been able to dilute it and create cheaper cultivation, diminishing its full-spectrum benefits, but we now know what the best of the best is. You owe it to your body to give it pure, red reishi, grown properly, matured, and concentrated.
If reishi is not extracted, you will be left with all of its food, and the protective shell we know as chitin.
Chitin is indigestible, also the material a lobster shell is made of. Just as USDA organic ensures the safety of your grocery, reishi ensures the quality of your mushroom.

Want to Know Why?
Twenty years ago, Japanese Dr. Yoshi discovered that reishi mushroom possessed cancer-healing properties. The Japanese government wasted no time in sending him to China in search of the finest, highest quality and most potent reishi mushroom. Through much research and lab tests it was discovered that Duanwood reishi prevailed as meeting the requirements Dr. Yoshi had set. Duanwood reishi specifies that it has been grown on specific types of hardwood indigenous to specific areas of China. It is the fruiting bodies of the red reishi mushroom, while other varieties of reishi include black, blue, white, yellow and purple. There are actually over two thousand different varieties of reishi found in nature, while only a small number have been shown to have potent medical benefits.
Duanwood reishi has the highest concentration of powerful, plant-kingdom medicinal agents, called phytonutrients. It is also common in the field of medicinal mushrooms to use the immature bodies of the mycelium, which is the stage of the mushroom between the spore and the mature adult body. In most cases, these mushrooms are cultivated in grain slurry, in a box, with a small growing period. It costs considerably less money to produce mycelium, and when you get the final product, it is half minimally potent mushroom and half the grain slurry the mushroom was not able to digest. When dealing with Duanwood reishi, you are ensured the highest quality of mushroom, grown on hardwood in nutrient-rich soil, where the mushroom is able to obtain the essential phytonutrients it needs for its powerful health benefits. The government actually regulates reishi, as it is forbidden to use chemicals or pesticides in the growing process, so you can be assured that you are also getting a one hundred percent organic product.

Additional information


10:1 Wild Reishi Mushroom Extract*

Other Ingredients


Container Size

16 oz., 456 grams

Serving Size

1/2 teaspoon which is about 2 grams Serving Per Container: 228


Add 1/2 – 1 teaspoon(more or less depending on your taste and experience level) to 8 oz of hot water. Mix and enjoy. This powder can also be added to smoothies, juices, and protein shakes. Lastly, you can just eat the powder right from the bag as it is a pure extract and ready to consume as is.
*This is NOT merely ground up or powdered raw herb. This powder is a CONCENTRATED EXTRACT, this means that the active constituents are extracted from the herb and then concentrated to a 10 to 1 ratio. The ratio means that TEN pounds of whole herb is concentrated down into one pound of extract. This means far more potency and efficacy in less space.


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