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    • Vivamus condimentum nunc eu dolor imperdiet faucibus
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    • Wellentesque, quis pretium nibh tempor
    • Fusce a metus nec sapien placerat placerat
    • Vivamus at metus et mauris gravida sodales et turpis
  • Sale!
    As we age, both mental and physical tasks tend to become more difficult. Cognition and memory begin to decline and tasks that require mental focus and attention require a little more  effort than they used to. Additionally, muscle quality becomes more difficult to maintain. ElementSuperfoods BioExcel is the first dietary supplement of its kind to fight the physical and mental effects of aging. Made of all-natural ingredients, BioExcel provides the fuel you need to have an active, productive day. This combination of natural, plant-based and herbal compounds, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes makes you feel more mentally and physically  prepared  for the day. BioProtein Excel improves mental focus, minimizes fatigue, and improves muscle quality. ElementSuperfoods BioExcel’s unique formula combines natural amino acids and herbs to create optimal healthy energy conditions within your body to help you reach your personal best with each workout! Made of all-natural ingredients, BioExcel provides the fuel you need to have an active, productive day.  
    • Yerba Mat'e boost mental focus and increases fat loss
    • Creatine boost strength, lean muscle quality, and cognitive function
    • Beta-alanine is an amino acid that improves fatigue resistance
    • Betaine (TMG) protects cells and proteins from stress while decreasing fatigue
    • L-Tyrosine increases mental focus and mood while reducing the effects of stress
    • Herbal blend includes: Schizandra, rhodiola, and goji berry all work to enhance mood and cognistion
  • It is not a mystery why reishi mushroom got its reputation, for even 2,400 years ago, the powerful benefits of this tonic herb were undeniable, and over the past couple millennia, science and further investigation has only supported this idea.
    • The most scientifically researched herb on the planet
    • Powerful and “superior-class” adaptogen
    • Immune-strengthening
    • Stress-relieving
    • Liver protective
    • Regarded as one of the most potent shen tonics
    • Improves circulation
    • Protective against radiation, free radials and other environmental stressors
    • Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, and anti-stress
  • E3Live is 100% Aphanizomenon flos-aquae blue-green algae (AFA for short)—a certified organic wild-harvested Nutrient Dense AquaBotanical™ considered by renowned health authorities to be nature's most beneficial superfood. Our E3Live AFA is a non-GMO Heirloom variety.E3Live is the frozen/liquid form of AFA, which is superior to all other forms of AFA. E3Live is the only company to offer AFA in this fresh-frozen form. Physiologically, E3Live may help restore overall body/mind balance in numerous ways. Its field of action simultaneously includes the immune, endocrine, nervous, gastro-intestinal and cardio-vascular systems. Nutritionally, E3Live provides 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids. It is the most nutrient dense food known to mankind and a rich source of chlorophyll. E3Live is a gift of nature, a miracle food. We warmly invite you to experience this gift of nature, this certified organic nutrient dense superfood. Get the benefits of E3Live now.
  • Why is sleep important? Many health professionals claim sleep to be as important as exercise and diet in anti-aging, training and weight loss regimens. However, there are at least 40 million Americans reporting sleep problems.  Although we tend to think of sleep as a period of complete rest, it is crucial to promoting health and optimal functioning. During sleep, the body is hard at work performing a variety of biological processes to help regenerate and repair muscles and body tissues. Adequate sleep is also essential for maintaining mood, memory, and cognitive performance.  It is vital for the proper functioning of both the immune and endocrine systems, and many studies have demonstrated the relationship between sleep duration and several serious health issues like obesity, hypertension, and depression. Sleep, hormones, and appetite Sleep directly impacts our hormone levels, and hormone levels play a very important role in hunger and satiety. Over the last 50 years, the incidence of obesity and other diseases have reached epic numbers in America, and this trend is proportional to the decrease in sleep duration. Appetite control, hormone levels, fat storage, muscle repair, and stress are all impacted by sleep quality. Sleep is just as important as exercise and diet in training programs and weight loss regimens. During sleep, the body is hard at work releasing anabolic hormones to regenerate and repair muscle tissue. Quality sleep also aids in keeping levels of fat promoting hormones low.  Lack of adequate sleep can lead to fat gain, increased hunger and sugar cravings, decreased muscle mass, decreased strength, and a weakened immune system. The Solution ElementSuperfoods DeepREM is a powerful, anti- catabolic sleep support formula designed to promote deep and restorative sleep. Sleep Support can help you achieve a better night of sleep, optimizing muscle recovery and anabolic hormone production during the night. Sleep Sup-port is a non-habit forming, all-natural formula.
    • Velvet antler is one of nature’s richest sources of IGF-I
    • Bovine colostrum is nature’s most powerful supply of growth factors and immune building factors
    • Mucuna is a bean-like substance that is nature’s richest source of L-dopa, a precursor to dopamine
    • Melatonin is a hormone created from serotonin by way of tryptophan
    • B-6 is a major coenzyme for many bodily functions and reactions

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